
quinta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2011

Happy New Year!

Hello my dear friends!

This will most likely be my last post in 2011, as the end creeps up on us so fast (and my holidays sneak away so fast too, *sob*). I will try to show you later on my Christmas presents--just a sneak peek here.

First, and above all, let me tell you how WONDERFUL you have all been cheering me on through bad times and good times, and in a way nursing me back to health. These have been 2 complicated, rough years healthwise and it has been fantastic to read your blogs, visit your gorgeous homes, gasp at your fantastic crafts and ideas and find new friends while sharing the little things I started creating again. Your messages have been truly appreciated and if sometimes I don't reply right away I always try to do so at some time.

I want to THANK EACH and EVERYONE of you for being here for me and hope to have many more wonderful days spent with you in 2012, which definitely will be a good one--no more treatments and total recovery, yeahhhh!!!! Just check-ups every 6 months :-)

This year has brought me new friends.

I was lucky enough to have met personally one of them, Carla of Simply by Carla who is an amazing quilter and patchworker--have to take pictures of the fabulous sewing / crafts bag she gave me for Christmas! It looks like a jigsaw puzzle but she says it's not as difficult as it looks. Right. As if I believed her :-)

Then there's Marjo of Marjo's Cosy Corner, a sister in arms as she had to go through the same ordeal I did this year. From knowing what the other one was going through I believe we were able to give each other some comfort and strength--I know she did / does to me!--and I'm truly glad we met this way. Hopefully we'll be able to meet personally in the near future, as Belgium is not so far away from Portugal!

Even though distance is a bit of a problem for meeting personally, there are other fantastic people who are always here to leave a kind word and share a smile--Meredith, Marilyn, Carol, MemeRose, Crissi, (hmmm... what is it with the M's and C's?!) Valeria, Susan, Jo...among so many others! (Please make sure you visit them too, you'll love their work!)

I wish you all and each one a Happy, Wonderful New Year full of joy and love and above all health--and hope to meet you here again soon :)

You're the best!

8 comentários:

  1. I think we are the lucky ones to have you in our lives. I am so glad that we met through blog land and I am even happier that you are on the full road to recovery. Here is to a healthy and fantastic 2012!
    Hugs to you Teresa,

  2. Mereknits is right!! WE are the lucky ones to know you. You know how much I enjoy your posts.

    Thank you for thinking of me at Christmas. Its been a hard year for me to find time to post much, but I am so glad to have found you.

    Happy New Year.
    Wishing you a Blessed New Year.
    xx, Carol

  3. I wish you a happy new Year

  4. eredith is sure right ...I'm so glad that I "found" you in Blogland...
    and I'm sure we'll meet in real life ........

    Have a wonderful 2012 my dear friend....


  5. I agree with the other ladies. It's been a real pleasure to "meet" you, and I hope we can meet up for real one day - either in the Algarve, Lisbon or here in the UK.

    I wish you muitas coisas boas e boa saúde in 2012.

    Jo :-)

  6. Oh I so agree with the others...we are the lucky one to have found you...your grace and spirit are amazing and I wish you the best year ever...thank you for your always kind words and your humour too...see you where the pinners meet to pin...love seeing what you find...
    with love

  7. Well after reading this comments I am definitely a very lucky Lady to have met personally this lovely Lady.

    She is great, she is fun, she is everything and more of what we read here.

    I have finished 2011 well, I am sure 2012, will see a few projects kicking off for both of us, it has everything to be a great year.

    Thank You lovely Teresa, and now I am waiting for you in the UK

    I'm even more blessed to have a friend like you. All the Very Best for 2012!!!!

  8. Wow, you all left me with a tear sneaking up at the corner of my eye...
    You are all fantastic! XXX


It's always great to read your comments! :) Thank you!