
sexta-feira, 1 de abril de 2011

Survival kit :)

Second walk to the beach, this one a bit longer. Don't forget I've been indoors all Winter, not even a few little walks, dreading the cold and rain and catching something nasty that would set off my treatments and postpone "The End". So walking to the beach is a major deed for me right now--my joints are still resenting the lack of exercise, plus the side effects of Taxol don't help. It's only been 2 weeks since "The End".

So yesterday (I had no company on this journey) I packed a little backpack with some stuff to help me survive on this adventure. A bottle of water, of course. A wallet with some coins in case I wanted to go to the little coffee shop on the sand. A sweater (only to find out that it was 24ºC - 75ºF outdoors!). And, of course, my crochet... A couple of projects, in case I got bored. I probably thought I was going to stay there for a whole week...

But of course I had to go for a walk too... 

And take a couple more pictures to show you what it's like. Fishermen all over the place! But then, fishing is in our traditions...

I love driftwood. I wish I could use this on something... but considering it was a huge log I decided to drop the idea!

And on my way back couldn't resist this. Someone decided to turn a bit of wasteland by the railway into a sweet little garden. Slowly but surely they've been cleaning the soil, setting the rocks around it beautifully and adding little flowers and bushes to create a little oasis in the middle of nowhere. This is probably what they see from their window, I bet the person lives in the building right next to it--and I was on the railway crossover path.

Isn't it pretty?

Have a wonderfull weekend!


3 comentários:

  1. Teresa, Love that your walks are going so well. You will be building endurance every day. Your beach is beautiful.
    Have a healthy weekend,

  2. Hi Teresa
    You have a wonderful place to walk and relax when it is a little warmer! The garden you found is beautiful. Its amazing when you think of it. I little work in the dirt and planting flowers can bring so much joy and beauty.

    I am waiting for our weather to warm up just a bit to clean the garden and start planting. I love the late spring, summer and early fall we have in Northern Indiana.

    Be well and safe.

  3. Hi Meredith and Carol!
    The weather has cooled down a bit (68ºF today and expected for tomorrow) but apparently it will be warmer next week. These aren't normal temperatures for this time of the year, though we do get a week or 2 like this in the spring, usually and then back to the usual 60's...
    I do know a bit of Florida (my brother lives there, Meredith) but have never been to Indiana...only Minnesotta and most of New England...and Hawaii (sigh...lol) when my brother lived there!
    I hope to be able to continue my walks next week, if all goes well! :)
    Have a wonderfull weekend!


It's always great to read your comments! :) Thank you!