
segunda-feira, 11 de abril de 2011

You've got mail!

(Remember that movie? I love it, absolutely love this movie, with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks --well, I love most films she's in! And yes, I'm crazy about romantic, sappy sweet movies that end well, so when this came to my mind I thought it was the perfect title for this post...)

Whenever I get home I always check the mailbox--vaguely hoping that someone other than the internet, water or electricity companies will remember writing something nice. Usually that's all I get--bills or publicity, rarely I get some news from a good friend far away... But today I had a surprise...

I got MeMe Rose's giveaway in the mail! And I got that Christmasy feeling that we used to get as children, when we couldn't wait for the time to open our presents--I had to force myself to wait until I got a half decent picture to post here! Sorry, the camera batery charger is still AWOL so the trusty cell phone camera has to do the job...

So here they are, the lovely coloured hooks and the beautifull crochet bag they came in, with a little card and a sweet crochet heart :) I am sooooo proud to be the new owner of this pretty set in their purse!

Drooling over my new crochet hooks, the lovely bag, my almost ready hyacinth...  I'm a happy camper today! :)
I absolutely LOVE them, thank you MeMe Rose! This sure was a treat :))))


12 comentários:

  1. hello teresa,

    i'm back from hospital,i'm feeling well...and how are you?


  2. I saw that at the Flower Bed, Marjo. I'm doing fine, probably getting my stitches out tomorrow. And hoping to go away for a few days at the north of Portugal to recharge batteries, by the end of the week.
    I hope everything goes well for you, my dear!

  3. oh yes dont you just love getting suprise like that :) i always stalking the mailman hehe

    youre a lucky lady ,those hooks look great

    if you send me youre address i could send you a litle suprise and its ok to say yes ,dont be shy :)

  4. so happy you got them safe and sound. I look forward to seeing what you make with the new hooks... enjoy re-charging your batteries x

  5. Teresa,

    Enjoy your coming weekend ...fine reading that you're oke...was thinking about you....
    Yesterday I get a new age....53 years old !!hihihihih

    Lovely Greetings

  6. You are so lucky!!!! In many ways. Sara at tangledhappy.blogspot.com has a flower tutorial today and I had one a few post ago. I made the flower on my shawl a little bit bigger by adding a row. I ended up with a first row of 9 flower, then 10, 11, and 12. It will depend how long you want your shawl and how big your flowers are.
    Have a great day,

  7. What a nice little gift!!
    You know, I have never sent anything overseas. I would love to send you a little something when you least expect it. Send me your address if you want to. I'd love to surprise a new friend. Its OK, I'm not a stalker ~lol~
    xx, Carol

  8. Lucky girl!I love You've got mail,too! I have seen it too many a time!AriadnefromGreece!

  9. Gotta love that mail, don't we... what a treat to have you pop by. New follower here.

    Sorry, I've been soooooo relaxed poolside on this trip. Don't want to miss one part of being outside after the long winter.

    Should get back to normal next week when back home.

  10. Lol I wasn't asking for presents... but I do loooooooooooove to get mail in the REAL mailbox, as well as email! I usually overlook the "Fw:" stuff unless it really catches my attention but always want to know what's going on in my friends' lives :) And you're the best, you bring so many smiles to my face! :)))


It's always great to read your comments! :) Thank you!