
terça-feira, 17 de maio de 2011

New kitchen...

This is where we're staying these days--Alcochete, on the other side of the River Tagus, accross from Lisbon.

Land of kings and queens, as my husband says--where our King Manuel I, the Fortunate, was born in 1469. My grandmother was born here too :) so it certainly is an important town for me!

Couldn't wait... this is one of my favourite meals in the summer! Charcoaled sardines with tons of tossed salad with grilled peppers :))) The sardines are still tiny but they tasted oh so good!

So... why are we here? Well... a while back we had some icky news. There was a water infiltration from our appartment to our downstairs neighboor, in Oeiras. The insurance company came to see the problem and discovered the plumbing was in bad shape. So... instead of only fixing that part of the kitchen (I confess... I truly HATED the tiles in that kitchen!) we decided to replace the wall and floor tiles (yessssssss!!!) 

And this is what it looked like last week.. (help!!! there's no turning back now!)

...this is what it looked like today, when I stopped by to see the work progress... (begining to take shape!)

...and this is what I'd like it to look like by the end! My kitchen is a long, rectangular one so it won't look quite like this... but I know it will look so much better than it did before!

Right now there are kitchen cabinets in the living room, a fridge and a freezer in the hallway, the drawers with their contents in the boys' room and the washers and dryer in the bathroom aside from everything else...and it's completely impossible to live there while they're working, with all the dust and everything!

These have been busy days, between my treatments, running around to buy the stuff we need in the kitchen, chosing the new cabinets, deciding on so many things in the new kitchen and not having my own place to stay during the day (I stay at Mom's and then meet hubby to come back here) it seems time is so much shorter!

I'm so anxious to see everything go back to normal--but a so much prettier normal! :)


9 comentários:

  1. What a fun project, and a very nice one to keep your mind off things. Think of this as a vacation, and your salad looked very yummy!

  2. I so understand you!!!

    I had holes in the kitchen ceiling last week, now it's all boarded, but awaiting for the plumber and plasterer

    But the positve side is, you'll have a lovely kitchen when it's finished!!

    Beijocas and enjoy the sardines.... I am soooo jealoussss, but a nice jealous ;-)

  3. You are so lucky to have you kitchen redone. We have had cabinets and flooring for a long time now, but Terry hasn't made a move yet. This may be the summer we get it done.

  4. i love new kitchens :) and would love one right now

    youre so lucky even if its to bad to have to go through all this you will in the end get a beautiful kitchen

    i like that sardine dish ;)at the moment im all for the fish

  5. hi
    i found these patterns for you but they are all in Icelandic ,not sure if that helps ,but you could maby use the pattern charts

  6. Wowww Teresa, so much work to do ? But I'm sure it will look very nice at the end....


  7. Just think that very soon you'll have a brand new kitchen to play in :-)

  8. It's coming along nicely :))) I can't wait to see it finished, all the work will have been worth it!

  9. Hello! Just discovered your blog. Like the look of how you would like your kitchen to be. It will get there in the end.

    Our kitchen is a work in progress too. We are working on a big splash back at the moment and used pimpyourkitchen.com for inspiration.

    We are going to take some pictures of fruit in ladels on a white background - will blog about this when this part is done.

    Good Luck with your kithen! Looking forward to seeing it done.

    Leah x


It's always great to read your comments! :) Thank you!