
quarta-feira, 10 de agosto de 2011

I could use your help!

Hello, my friends!

I could use your help! Remember this...? I started a cushion for the sofa  that would go well with the new wall and picture colors while we were in the north (not working very fast, I must confess...) and was planning to have the squares in the front and the granny square in the back...

For some strange reason I always end up mimicking nature's colors!

But as I got back and the work went on I changed my mind--one cushion was not enough and I wondered if I'd love it to pieces the way I thought originally... 

You see, we do use the cushions--with 4... errhhh... 3 boys and 1 man in the house it's hard to convince them NOT to lean or sit on the cushions so they definitely WILL get some use! 

Plus our climate is quite moderate so there are more warm days than cold and the crochet part will not feel so comfortable in the summer. That was one of the reasons why I wanted to change the current ones (they're embroidered in "petit point" in wool so they're quite warm and become uncomfortable). 

So the idea was to use both pieces to make 2 different cushions. I will be making a fabric back for each of them. I considered a knit back using Lucy's tutorial at Attic 24, but I really don't have a sweater I want to give up in the right color and it wouldn't solve the warmth problem...

I went fabric shopping and saw a lot that I liked (forgot to take the crochet along so I kind of had to guess) and of course came back with more than I needed :( and yet I can't make up my mind!


Finally these seemed to be the best options...

This one particularly pleases me because it's a piece of fabric I had stashed for a long time--you see, when I got pregnant I had this feeling I was going to have a girl... so off I went and got this pretty fabric with green, pink and lavender stripes and pink flowers, made the curtains for the baby's room and a ruffle to put around the baby's bed... and then found out it was going to be a boy! Lol

I still liked the fabric, kept the curtains on for a while after he was born (poor little Paulo :) ) and then one day changed them and saved the curtains for a rainy day... Maybe one day I'd have a girl (didn't happen...)

Well, what do you think about these 2 combinations? Would they be your choice among these fabrics? I probably could find another that matched better... but I'd probably end up with a lot more fabric pieces... 

Like these... Just couldn't resist!!! They won't do for these cushions (too different from the yarn colors) but they probably could set me off into trying a little patchwork... with some matching polka dots, stripes and squares and solid colors... Ok, ok, I'm daydreaming already!


Please do tell me what you think. I'm still tucking ends in in one square and making a couple more rounds on the other one, while I wait for your comments :) and I have a feeling I may be making an African Flower front with the bits of leftover yarn...

Hope you're having a wonderful week! 

11 comentários:

  1. I like the colourcombination very mutch...I mean the pink one ....it will be very nice I'm sure of that ...
    I know you're feeling about the manin house and crochet pillows...it's the same here...eet on it..head on it ...grrrrrrr....


  2. I mean feet on it (instead eet on it)

  3. Hello my Darling

    Personally I prefer the second combination, the small crochet squares with the pink.

    The first one I am not too sure.

    And let me tell you, if you start Patchwork, nothing will ever stop you, try and you will love it ;-)

    Beijocas xxx

  4. I love the second combo too, but if you used that fabric with the large granny square that wouldnt be too bad either. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the small squares! That color combo is pretty killer! have you ever thought of using a more lightweight type of yarn other than wool? i have this 100% cotton that's really light and airy. I kinda like it, but it gets pretty cold here in winter, so I prefer the chunky stuff...

  5. I think the fabric you have chosen goes perfectly well together with your crochet colours x

    Leah x

  6. They are all lovely fabrics. Personally I think I would try swapping the fabrics using the 2nd fabric with the 1st granny square and vice-versa. Love those 3 pieces of fabric shwon in your last picture they're so pretty.

  7. I think the fabric back will be great and the colors you picked will be perfect. I love the smaller squares abnd the pink, I also really like the flowres, but anything you do will be great.

  8. I think the little squares with that pink will be perfect, but I'm not sure about the first colour combination. You could always go for plain white.

    How do you get the raised effect between the little squares?

  9. the second one is a perfect match i think :)

  10. Thank you so much for your comments--I have now started front #3 with the little bits of leftover yarn so there will be 3 new cushions matching on the sofa :) This one will be of African Flowers and I must confess I am completely in love with them, they're so addictive!!!

    So fabric number 2 will be, the former striped and flowered curtains recycled or upcycled or whatever you may call it. I confess I haven't figured out the difference...


  11. Thanks to replying to my question - I do understand about the back loop only slip stitch, I think I've always slip stitched through both loops - I'll have to try this.

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