
terça-feira, 4 de outubro de 2011

Thank you, Marjo and Sam!

Two lovely ladies have nominated me for awards--Sam, for the Versatile Blogger Award

and Marjo has tagged me too...

Well, first of all, thank you, my dears, for this honor! I am very proud to have been nominated by you both :) 

Apparently I'm supposed to say a few things about myself--let's see if I can come up with somethings that you may not know about me, but some are probably not news.

1. My heart is split between the 3 continents I've lived in: 
  • Africa, where I was born, in Angola; 

  • America, where I lived in the USA for a total of 8 years (St.Paul, MN, and Brunswick, ME), as a child and during college years and where I love to go back everytime I get a chance;

  • Europe, Portugal, where my family is from and where I currently live 

But I guess I could add the other 2 continents, as my great grandfather was Goese (Asia)

...and I've always dreamt of going "down under"...

2. Yes, you've guessed it. I LOVE the

3. I was always the quietest, most dilligent student who would barely be noticed except for when test results came back--and then I used to be among the top 2 or 3. Here, too, I was split between 2 special loves (science and arts) though I also loved languages... So I guess it comes as no surprise that I studied Biology and Archaeology, Statistics and computer science, as well as English, French and Italian (a wee bit forgotten!) A bit of a Jack of all trades and master at none, I guess...

4. I have worked as secretary, lab assistant in a museum of art, Italian tutor, Biology teacher, coordinator of the administrative area in a lab (blood tests etc), seller, marketing project manager, IT project manager...among others and not necessarily in this order. I am currently working for the government and setting my heart (or maybe not lol) on learning how to program with C# and SQL... still feeling quite lost!

5. My true love are crafts, though. I love all crafts of all kinds and have tried many of them--crochet, knitting, cross stitch, petit point, arraiolos

(I made this rug many years ago, though this picture isn't mine), macramé, oil painting, acrylic painting, sewing... I started as a child by dressing up my dolls in fabric and crochet dresses

and I spent a lot of time drawing paper dolls and designing their attires!

6. I have survived breast cancer twice now. The first time was 10 years ago, when I was 37. This 2nd time came as a shock, I thought I had beaten the "Beast" for good and it came back. I was lucky enough to have detected it soon enough that everything could be controlled through surgery, chemo and radiation therapy. Now I know I'll fight it for the rest of my life, making sure it doesn't catch me off guard. Ever. I am not letting it win over me.

7. I am a cat person. This is my little girl, Pantera, who is almost 14 now

and is sitting next to me on the sofa, right now, checking out what I'm writing about her but looking at the window because the birds are going wild outside, as the sun sets. She's a part of the family, of course! Even if she isn't in this picture...

All the rest... well, you can read about it somewhere in here or ask me!

Now... I'm supposed to nominate some people for these awards too... so here are some of the blogs I can't live without :)  Some of these people have become Friends over time, but they also bring inspiration, love and gorgeous things into Blogland and I really can't tell which award is more adequate for each, so I'm nominating them for both (I hope that's OK!)
  1. Carla at Simply by Carla
  2. Marjo at Marjo's Cosy Corner
  3. Meredith at Mereknits
  4. Marilyn at Room on the Left
  5. MeMe Rose (I'm not sure if I she wants me to write her name here :) )
  6. Alice at Crochet with Raymond
  7. Tammy at T's Daily Treasures
  8. Mia at Mias Landiv
  9. Annette at My Rose Valley
  10. Jacquie at Bunny Mummy
  11. Paula at Paula's Homemade Life
  12. Ana at Mãos de Sapo e Pés de Pato
  13. Carol at Beads and Birds
  14. Annette at Petunia Pill
  15. BumbleBri at Live.Laugh.Love.Create
There are many more wonderful blogs and people I'd love to nominate... maybe I'll create my own award for that :)

I'm sure you agree with me if you know them--make sure you pay them a visit, if you don't :)


5 comentários:

  1. It's 7am here in Blighty and I'm in bed with my laptop and the heated blanket on... the wind is howling outside. I really enjoyed your post and finding out things I did not know and then at the end I saw you had nominated me for an award! Thank you very much. My husband has just brought me a coffee so I will have this before I tear myself away from this toasty bed and face the day. Enjoy the sun today x

  2. Thank you for the award....

    My muscles and bones are hurting so much...i can't almost use my arms for typing a message...I thought that it was over now but yesterday evening I started hurting so much...I had a good sleep and it's getting a little bit better now...the docter gave me new medication this morning for the pain...tomorrow go to hospital for blood control...I wish it was all over now pffffff


  3. Thank You.
    I value our cyber friendship so much! I will post a few things about myself this weekend, but I fear my life has not been as interesting as yours!!
    Much love,

    And, I will definitely visit the other's blogs that you listed.

  4. Hello Lovely Lady

    Wow what a lovely post.

    First of all a big Thank You for nominating me, I will promise I will say a few things about me ;-)

    Just have been so busy, and the next month looks busy too.

    This Saturday, going to a place, that I almost guarantee that you would love to come with me.

    A full day, by myself, in Alexandra Palace for The knitting and sewing exhibition, it will be like being in heaven, I am sure.... just have to control myself with the credit card ;-)

    My Patchwork Tutor will be there with a stand, so I am sure it will be great

    Have a great day and once again Thank You so much xxx

  5. Hi Teresa, thanks so much for the mention. It's taken me a while to get over here. Our internet just is so slow half the time, can't get much done. For the past two days I can't even upload photos. It was interesting to learn more about you. So glad that you've beaten breast cancer. Sure seems like more and more people are getting it these days, along with other cancers. I hope you are having a great weekend. Best wishes, Tammy


It's always great to read your comments! :) Thank you!