
sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011

I'm soooooooo in love!

This was not the post I had planned on doing today... I got sidetracked and uterly, completely, madly in love!

On my way home from a doctor's appointment in Lisbon I stopped by my usual yarn supplier. Half afraid, I must confess. She had ordered and had probably just received the new Fall / Winter yarns and I was scared. You know that feeling... happy, anxious, but really scared I would fall into temptation. I guess I should have just driven home... or not!!!!

Do you know Katia Yarns? Take a look at it... at your own risk!!! It's in several languages and has pictures of their pattern catalogues and yarns.

D. Julia, a sweet, dear lady who owns and runs the shop, said "Teresa, look what I've got here for you..." and my heart fell. 

A whole, entire magazine full of gorgeous patterns, a few of them with Granny Squares, actually 2 entire magazines (yes, BumbleBri, they had version of a sweater like the one you posted about today! Just 4 big squares, front, back and 2 folded in half for the 2 sleeves), the most gorgeous yarns... I'm doomed! 

D.Julia hadn't unpacked the new yarns yet and I was halfway torn between the desire to run off before she did and the wish to get my hands on some... But I stayed until there was nobody else in the store... then she smiled and said "I'm just as anxious as you, let's check it out!" and went inside my Aladin's cave to open some boxes (I would think I died and went to in heaven if I ever went in that back storage room... that's why I don't dare!)

Yeap... you figured it out... I came home with a few more balls of yarn... I didn't need but I was in love with!

She lent me the magazine (she sells them) so I wouldn't have to buy one and promised to save me some other yarns when she receives them, because she only got 3 of the shades of the one I wanted (Darling, a fingerling 60% merino / 40% poliamide thread that is sooooo yummy!)

Here are just a few of the ones I'm pretty sure I can't resist making... the cover one too, of course!

I bet I could get myself to wear a hat this year...

Black and grey and tons of awesome colors and feels

I got some yarn last year that would be awesome if I made it like this (with some leggings and high boots, of course! How comfy can you get?!)

It's warm here, around 30ºC (that is high 80's for those of you in Farenheit degrees) and it seems like the Summer is just arriving. Something tells me we're going to have a looooooong Summer and I won't get to wear anything warm that soon... but then that'll leave me with a lot more time to get my act in gear ;) even though it isn't as tempting to knit in hot weather!

Have you started your Autumn / Winter cuddly stuff yet...?
Hope you wave a wonderful weekend--while I control myself and continue to finish off the leftover yarns... I'll show you how next monday, hopefully!


10 comentários:

  1. Hi Teresa, I don't think one can ever have enough yarn. I have some really nice ones that I want to do something really special with but just not sure what so I hang on to them and keeping buying other stuff. I keep saying I'll use what I have and not buy more but a very difficult thing to do. Our temps are still 115 during the day (47C or higher some days) and 90 at nite. Will be a while before Fall type clothing can be worn. Hope you are having a great day. Tammy P.S. I am finding it hard to visit everyone these days since we are back to school full time :/

  2. Oh why not...life is too short to be good all the time...a few balls of yarn aren't going to hurt. and more importantly...you're happy. Happy trumps reason any time!!!
    Enjoy playing with your new loves...hope the weather acts accordingly...we had some sun today for the first time in a week, but the mosquitos are out in their thousands and you can't stay out too long...

  3. Teresa, I am so in love with that booklet and your new yarn, yum! I have to say I have a real problem buying yarn, that is buying too much. Is there a 12 step program for that? But it makes me so happy and its my therapy so actually I am saving money on all the psychiatric bills I would have without it. So I say, keep buying.
    ps. its 90 degrees here and I just bought Noro to make a vest.

  4. Hello, my name is Annette and I'm a yarn-o-holic. I can feel your excitement in this post...and I love it! Have fun!

  5. Ha! I love it when crochet drifts into daily fashion, but doesn't look too...."obvious" or "grandma" <-- notice, it's not GRANNY. i love GRANNY(square) clothes :) You and i Have the same problem. I always plan to buy just one or two yarns and then I come home with 5, 7, 10!! And then i have to come up with ANOTHER project to use the yarn for.....so what will you make with your splurges???

  6. looks like a dream ...i love yarn like that ,im knitting some warm socks for the kids and hubby ,it can get pretty cold here so we need to have warm socks and cozy mitts :)

  7. I so understand you.... I am exactly the same but with fabric, you can ever have too much.

    Those patterns and yarn look so lovely!!!

    Have fun Darling and enjoy it


  8. Thank you for the heads up on the magazine, I think I might have to get it too.


  9. Sim, eles olhar para fora para comer hein? Amanhã eu almoço com Luc, temos um certificado de presente, por isso que fazemos um dia de ...


  10. Teresa,

    Very strange...on this post I left a comment ...and it's gone ????
    I don't understand ....



It's always great to read your comments! :) Thank you!