
quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011

Leftover yarn

Hello my dear friends!

Like most of you, I hate leftover bits and bobs of yarn too... they make me want to buy more to make something else and to buy more yarn (because what I have isn't enough...) which really is not the point!

So... just hang in there a bit longer and I'll show you what's left of the 2 cushions :)

And make sure you check out MeMe Rose's version of the slanted edging, it's real nice!

Be back later :) have a wonderful wednesday!


5 comentários:

  1. I am so impatient! i can't wait to see the project!!!!

  2. oh do i have to wait !!! haha well i guess i have to cause i really whanna see what you come up with ,i to have leftovers everywhere :)

    love the edge and think i gona use it on my blanket when or if i finish it haha

  3. Those colours look so yummy together.

  4. I'm curious what you gonna make of it ....



It's always great to read your comments! :) Thank you!